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The Netherlands

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Collected for You

The TONZON system operates differently from regular insulation and makes the floor even warmer than the air above it. Since the floor is always much warmer, the need for additional heating decreases. You'll notice this as both the heating season and daily heating duration become shorter. You can turn on the programmable thermostat later in the morning because the home reaches the desired temperature more quickly. In the evenings, you can turn down the heat sooner because the warmth lingers much longer. You can set the day, night, and evening temperatures a degree lower without losing comfort. Consequently, savings on heating costs can amount to as much as 25% and more, depending on the type of house, the climate zone, and heating habits.

The engineering firm Cauberg-Huygen has researched floor insulation savings on behalf of SenterNovem. The report also indicates savings much higher than those estimated from the EPA calculations. When insulated at the level of TONZON: 7.8 m³ of gas per m² per year.

Read more about TONZON Floor Insulation here

The insulation value is determined by the amount of air that is trapped. With traditional materials, the air is trapped in a material that conducts heat better than pure air (λ air is approximately 0.024 W/mK). The λ-value of most traditional materials is therefore higher, typically between 0.040 and 0.045. When using pure air as a thermal insulator, two factors play a role. The most important is to inhibit heat transfer by radiation. The second factor is to avoid heat transfer by convection (the movement of air layers due to temperature differences across the air layer).

Read more about the insulation value here

Since 2014, a 21% VAT has been charged on the material.


With TONZON, the edges of the floor are warmer, whereas with spray foam, the edges of the floor become colder. With spray foam, moisture moves to the underside of the floor. TONZON, on the other hand, results in a drier crawl space. It is the most climate-efficient solution and has the DUBO certification. Spray foam is the least climate-efficient (as long as it is sprayed with HFC gas), is highly toxic, and also a significant chemical waste problem.

Read more about the difference between TONZON and spray foam here

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